Is Harper's current object to scare Ignatieff?

Just a thought: Harper's anti-coalition ads against Ignatieff are an attempt to depress Liberal poll numbers sufficiently so as to cause Ignatieff to retreat.

Otherwise, this is a case of Harper using what should actually be a campaign closer (cite: Tom Flanagan). It would have occupied the airwaves as a final week closer. Does Harper have another election closer in mind? Maybe. But I've never bought the 'Harper as master strategist' crap. He's good, but he's really just regurgitating tactics we've seen in use in the US for well over a generation now. (Likewise, the opposition has been running scared for most of the past few years, much like the Democrats did for the past generation.) I think he's trying to blow as much of his ballast now, because he knows he's going to have trouble keeping his current seat count, with Quebec so rocky, and the Liberals flush with cash, and there's little left to gain in seats in Reform country.

If Harper fails to get a majority, he's gone as leader. His best bet right now is to avoid an election altogether and hang on until Spring for a good news budget. (Is Flaherty even capable of doing that any more?)

Crap, Harper had better not try to prorogue Parliament again.


Scott in Montreal said...

The release of the video caught them off guard I think. Don't trust Flanagan to give the whole low-down to us on national TV. They've either got decent stuff waiting in the wings, or they'll just make shit up and expect it to stick long enough to get re-elected. Harpercons will get an easy ride from the media again I fear.

A Eliz. said... mean Brown Nosers, don't you ?

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