Please fire Margaret Wente

I suppose autumn is the season for straw men. The Globe and Mail's Margaret Wente certainly provides enough of them.

Not making progress on the global warming policy front? Well, says Wente, it's the fault of unnamed 'apocalyptic scientists' driving the public away. And global warming isn't happening anymore, anyway, apparently.

Apparently, it's not the fault of the lack of political leadership in Canada.

It's not the fault of astroturf organizations pumping out 'experts' and false analysis to discredit the fine and ongoing global warming research.

Apparently, it's not the fault of misleading newspaper columnists.

False information like the "global temperatures are falling since 1998" skeptic BS or Wente's mathematically-impaired variant "...average global temperatures plateaued in 1998, and haven't gone up since" haven't helped.

Are global temperatures supposed to go up more every year? Nope. Straw man. 1998 was a very hot year, maybe not quite yet repeated. But, NASA says that 2005 was slightly hotter than 1998. Not all agree it was -- which is fine. Actually, the five hottest days on record since 1890 have all been in the past 11 years. Regardless, Global warming causing climate change is about change over decades, not a few years.

So, late as I almost am, for Blog Action Day for Climate Change I suggest the following: Fire Margaret Wente.

And, read this: Ice cores show CO2 is by far at the highest concentration in our atmosphere over the past 400,000 years. And climbing.

And, Margaret, it is scary to see. How can it not be when so much is at stake?

1 comment:

The Fwanksta said...

Wente sucks. Just give Jeffrey Simpson two columns if you don't want to hire another columnist.

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