Two simulstaneous polls, two very different results

Proclaims the National Post: Tories 19 points up, NDP tops Liberals for second: Poll !!!

Yikes! Ipsos Reid has the Conservatives at 43%, NDP 24%, Liberals in third at 21%? Can it be?

A second poll by Ekos has the Conservatives at 34.4%, and the NDP and the Liberals tied at 24.7%.

Both were made by random sample phone April 18-20.

Both can't be right!

The answer is (likely) Ekos. Its sample size is 2156, whereas Ipsos Reid is only 1000.

One thing is common here: The NDP is up, way up, while Liberal fortunes are sagging.

Read the links. the regionals on Ekos are interesting.

I thought I'd toss in the Nanos numbers. Nanos is compiled differently than the other two. 900 random calls a night are added to the two previous nights and averaged to get an ongoing rolling average. The most recent shows Con 39%, Libs 26.7%, NDP 22.1%

These numbers cover April 18-20 as well.

Conservative numbers appear to be all over the place, but I've been watching the Nanos poll for weeks, and the Cons have been stalled at 39% for a long time.

hard to say what is going on out there. The only consistent pattern is NDP support rising, and Liberal fortunes flagging.


CK said...

I always found EKOS to be a bit wonky. They also projected the Greens to have 2 seats once upon a time.

Ipsos-Reid numbers generally a tad slanted to the Harpercons, but more realistic than EKOS.

I believe NANOS most accurately predicted 2006 & 2008 results. Either way, their numbers tend to be most reliable.

The Invisible Hand said...

Nanos does 400 calls each night of their three-day rolling poll, not 900.

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